
The Canaan Baptist Church Milwaukee

Meet Our Leaders

 “Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this? She saith unto him, Yea, Lord: I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of God, which should come into the world.”
John 11:25-27

Rev. Dr. Fredrick E. Jones

Rev. Dr. Fredrick E. Jones was called to the stewardship of pastor of Canaan Baptist Church, June 29, 2014. As pastor of Canaan Baptist Church his pastoral leadership is about vision, planning, and implementation. His primary focus is on Christian Education, whereby Christian growth in moving from membership to Disciple ship, with strong emphasis on Evangelism.  Proverbs 29:18 reads “without a vision the people perish.” his commitment is to the will of God. 

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Our First Lady Marian Jones wears many hats, literally and figuratively

The Lord continues to bless Sis. Marian as she serves in many of our church capacities including but not limited to, Director of Free N One, the Chair of the Women’s Ministry, Vice-President of Mass and Women’s Choir. This spiritually filled leader guides our Culinary Ministry leaving the entire congregation full and satisfied with Feast, Fellowship and Fun. We are blessed to know our beautiful First Lady Marian Jones.

Leadership of the Canaan Baptist Church Milwaukee

  • 1940-1951

    Rev. Sylvestor Norton, Pastor & Founder

  • 1951-1955

    Rev. Dr. C.O. Manney, Pastor

  • 1956-1991

    Rev. H. Matthew Beecham, Pastor

Rev. Sylvester Norton, Founder

In 1940, Canaan Baptist Church came into existence under the leadership of the late Rev. Sylvester Norton. The original members included the Pastor’s family and three Baptismal candidates. In 1942, the church moved to 756 W. Reservoir. The church grew in membership. In 1950, Rev. Norton was called to his eternal home.

Rev. Dr. C.D. Manney

In 1951, Rev. Dr. C.D. Manney (from Dyersburg, Tennessee) became the Pastor of Canaan. Under his leadership, membership continued to grow and a larger building was purchased at 720 W. Meineke

Rev. H. Matthew Beecham

In 1956, Rev. H. Matthew Beecham became the Pastor.  The membership grew spiritually, financially, and numerically.  In 1962 Canaan acquired the property (current relocated) at 2975 and 2964 N. 11th Street at his direction. 

Rev. Dr. E. Frank Bridges

In 1991, Rev. Dr. E. Frank Bridges became Pastor. Under his leadership he was faithful with moving the church program forward. He implemented a technology program system and moved forward with the Phase3 plan to renovate the church and educational building. 

Rev. John F. Johnson

In 1998, Rev. Dr. John F. Johnson became the Pastor. Under his leadership other ministries were established, such as: Free-N-One, Couple’s and Greeter’s ministries, along with the children and youth tutoring program. The Member’s computer training program was also established with the Sunday Morning Church Leadership Training, and noon day Bible class.  Under Rev. Johnson’s leadership was the implementation of Phase 1 Church Renovation Plan. 

Rev. Dr. Bennie J. Gaston

Rev. Dr. Bennie J.Gaston served Canaan Baptist Church humbly and compassionately as interim pastor at Canaan.  Rev. Gaston would say, “The Lord sent me to Canaan,” even after his retirement as pastor for 47 years at Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church in  Zion, Illinois.  Rev. Gaston came willingly to serve the Canaan family.  Rev. Gaston’s connection with the Canaan Church family extends as far back as the Pastor Beecham era to current.